Monday, July 12, 2010

Saturday afternoon by the River Sava

In one of my earlier post I told you that Ljubjana was, in summer, a treat to visit. Not only because the temperature is that of the Mediterranean type, but also because Ljubljana is surrounded east, west, north and south by lush nature. Indeed as soon as you leave Ljubljana, you enter forest territory, and I'm not talking about small wooded area in which a couple of trees fight for dear old territory. I'm talking about some seriously lush pieces of Land. I recall once someone talking about Slovenija as the European Jamaica, exactly for its hilly and lush nature characteristic.
And during one escapade a couple of weeks ago, just on the outskirt of Ljubljana, I discovered a nice little spot right by the Sava river. A river that flows through four countries that used to be part of the old Yugoslavia. Namely Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina. This little place that I found was truly a little haven of piece, and safe for a brief naturist encounter, I seemed to own the place. No one in the vicinity, a thumping sunshine and a river as cold as the Arctic Ocean; the perfect ingredients for a nice and relaxing day by the banks of the River Sava! However, one must say that the water was nearly impossible to swim in. I personally found it freezing cold, but I know ofr a fact that that doesn’t deter many. And for those brave enough to venture in the water, they will do so surrounded by some great scenery. Alternatively, you can just grab your kayak and sail it down the river or gather some wood and enjoy a wonderful wild barbecue by the banks of the River Sava.

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